A goal helps the medicine go down
Sometimes you need to set a goal in the road to wellness.
I’ve gone through two rough months recently; March and April were tough and challenging, with an insistent flu bug and/or cold virus that wouldn’t stop and brought me recurring fever, headaches, coughs, a runny nose and, yes, duress and perhaps distress.
On a day that I felt I was in the gutters, I remembered what one of my doctors at Queen’s Medical Center told me last summer: the road to wellness requires a goal, which serves as an incentive to go-for-broke and embrace it, because if you have a destination, it’s beneficial in your struggle to get well.
So, on a day I felt lousy, I checked with my wife Vi, about suitable travel dates, and that was enough of a nudge I needed. A fever and sore throat didn’t matter; I went to my computer, searched for, and booked, a roundtrip flight to New York, and quickly secured a hotel room. I felt my temperature going down when the confirmations trickled in.
I haven’t felt better since. Sorry, chicken soup, but that doc was right: the best medicine for feeling better was a positive goal. The mission is not yet accomplished, but booking the trip and finalizing the itinerary were booster shots I needed.
Further, my primary physician kindly did two Face Time chats and he also prescribed antibiotics and meds to help ease and address my struggles with mucus that came up when I coughed, and he followed up with a wellness telephonic check.
The fever has subsided, the coughs minimized, so I finally added to my goals regular at-home exercises I learned at OrthoSport earlier; the exercise regimen helps strengthen my legs and address my lower back pain; the benefit here is that some of the workouts can be done horizontally, while lying in bed.

I continue to have mobility issues – still not stable on my legs – so Mr. Walker (my walker) will make his first New York trip, joining Mr. Wheelchair (a power chair I’m renting) and Mr. Cane (my trusty standby).
Truly, I need all the help I can get to navigate the uneven sidewalks and streets in the Theater District. The excitement is mounting.
When I’m on Broadway, as my friends know, I see as many shows I can attend on the limited timetable there. That said, I booked eight shows, with a pal of mine joining us for three productions (one matinee, two evenings) over two days. So, it will be a tad frantic. But fun!
As my doc said, you gotta have a plan. Goals matter…
And that’s Show Biz…
A good advice for the rest of us. Took your advice… had only two hours of sleep due to insomnia…should I stay home and take naps?
Take Wayne’s advice. I went clothes shopping and I wasn’t even a zombie.l
Clothes-shopping works, too. Goals come in all shapes and forms. Main thing, enjoy it!
Dear Wayne, I’m so happy for you. And I so admire the hard work you’re putting in to reach this most worthy goal. We shared your story at the breakfast table this morning with my cousin who is undergoing similar pain and mobility issues, hoping he would find your story as inspirational and motivating as Michael and I do.
Can’t wait to hear your takes on the shows you and Vi will see. I won’t get there till October and have invited my grandaughters, who haven’t seen a Broadway show yet!
The goal was set a little more than a month away, and departure day is next week. Booked a spacious room at the Edison, and most shows are on 45th, 46th and 47th, with a lone one on 52nd, in the heart of Times Square.
Aloha e Wayne & so glad to see a confession from another theatre addict who watches multiple shows, day & night, when visiting NYC. Like gobbling up a buffet, I feel sated & giddy, traipsing from stage to stage. Sending wishes for a glorious B’way adventure. You Hilo Haradian Friend, Jackie Pualani Johnson🌺
Only way to thrive on Broadway, is to go, go, go, and see as many shows you can in your time there. My record is 12 shows in a 10-day visit. Tiring, yes; but the only way to get the most of the city and its riches.
Looks like some great MUSICAL therapy! All the best, Wayne!
Yeo, eight shows during a joyful week-long visit.
We are wishing you a safe and delightful trip. Thanks so much for this column and all those that are a sharing of your heart and happiness. You have served us all so well. I was a teenager when I started reading you. A lifetime of comfort knowing you are always here. Sheila &Paul 🤞🏼❤️
Way to go Wayne … Hilda and I envy your Broadway schedule and have done the same in the past!
Your shared thoughts on life are inspiring and reassuring as we too experience our own challenges. Your columns have been a part of our lives and feel privileged that it continues. Aloha! Clyde & Hilda
For a short visit (by our standards), we’ll still take in eight shows. t’ll be go-go-go, from one theater to another (two shows on Wednesday and Saturday), but that’s the only way to justify the cost of air fare and hotel. Won’t have it any other way. It’s this year’s goal to overcome weeks of the flu bug.
We all have come a long, long way, after decades of friendship.
Appreciate your aloha, Sheila and Paul .