Just asking…
Are shopping carts still safe during the current surge of the pandemic virus?
A year ago, food markets like Foodland Farms and Safeway used to dutifully sanitize shopping carts and baskets for customer use. Nowaways, Foodland seems to be continuing the safety measure, Safeway not so much.

Since the viral spreads through eyes, noses and mouths, maybe the potential germs on a cart or basket handle no longer is a big deal.

After all, we’ve all been shopping at Costco, CVS Longs, Walgreen’s, Marukai and Don Quiote, and unless I’ve visited during non-spray-and-sanitize hours, I’ve never seen or experienced any sense of cart maintenance at these stores. Instead, wipes and lotions are commonly available inside these merchants for self-sanitizing.
What’s your take on this cart issue — do you wipe down your own, wear gloves, wash hands when you’re home … or just aren’t a worry-wart anymore?