Curiously, two island theater stages will offer comedies focusing on lovelorn columnists in the weeks ahead.
- At Diamond Head Theatre, “The Lady With all the Answers,” premiers April 23. It’s a play by David Rambo, inspired by the newspaper column, “Dear Ann Landers,” that explored romance, heartbreak, and inquiries from singles and couples with a myriad problems, in search of resolution. Esther Pauline Lederer is the actual columnist whose pen name was Ann Landers, and she helped thousands of folks to sort out issues that plagued them in their daily lives, when, in fact, she was personally struggling with her own problems. The show runs through May 2. Tickets: $22.
Call 733-0174 or visit

- At Manoa Valley. Theatre, “Tiny Beautiful Things,” about a struggling woman writer who takes an unpaid role as an advice columnist, debuts May 23. The play, by Cheryl Strayed, looks at a fictional writer trying to overcome problems big and small, attempting to resolve questions that have no immediate answers. The show will run through May 23. Tickets: $40 adults, $35 seniors and military, $22 youths 25 and younger. Call 988-6131 or visit
At both theaters, social distancing procedures will be in place and face masks are required for admission.