An open letter to Henry Kapono

From Wayne Harada

Re: A Mele for Maui

First, kudos for your 50 Years of the Songs of C&K concert Saturday Aug. 26 at the Tom Moffatt Waikiki Shell. Indeed, it’s been a good time together, and C&K tunes provide the soundtrack of all our lives in Hawaii.

FYI, I’ve been hospitalized at Queen’s Medical Center for nine days, released last Friday, because of health issues. My wavering health prevented  me from attending. I’m OK with lots of hurdles ahead.

But from my hospital bed, I watched the ravishing of Lahaina and homes swallowed by a raging wild fire. Also saw promos for your milestone concert, simultaneously, the eyes of the world were focused on the astounding devastation and destruction of Lahaina town due to the uncontrollable flames as lives and homes were decimated.

Then I had an “aha” moment, about Hawaii’s most prolific and productive singer-composer; that you could put your imprint, with the kokua of other stellar Hawaii performers, to compose, record and perform A Mele for Maui that many would embrace.

Your voice and wisdom have been essential in community matters, and I hope and wonder if you might step up and with imfluence lead this valuable mission, to compose a “We Are the World”-type of mele that would unify, solidify, verify, and identify the pride and power of this Maui/Hawaii mission to provide help, funding and support of this global catastrophe.

It would have been a profound moment, if this tune had been written and performed with your Waikiki Shell cast, but the clock is ticking. So better late than never.

If anyone can do it, you probably have resources and partners to pull this off. Recording  the tune, of course with a companion video, would ultimately and undoubtedly raise funds for the restoration and rebuilding of Lahaina. Indeed, nothing could be finah for Lahaina if you do get this one launched.

And imagine the world premiere; the networks will tune in to help publicize the effort.
I thank you for listening…

And that’s Show Biz. …


I’m back, I’m beaming, and I’m blessed.

Folks and friends: I was released from Queen’s Medical Center yesterday and finally home after eight days. I daresay it was a learning experience in real time.

Yes, I contend that a hospital is a hotel for folks who need fixing; it’s not the staycation you want  or plan, but the level of repairs and fixes depend on the severity of your illness. Rest, recovery, and a return to the normal of the recent past are part of the goal.

Mine is a work in progress; home free, but lot to arrange, like home service kokua, several follow-up doc appointments.


  •  I checked in without luggage; now, I have two companions which will be close to me and go anywhere I go. It’s a pair of drainage pouches, one to collect for scrutiny, from the abscess in my liver, the other to gather rather gross bile from my gall bladder.  Miraculously, a tube has been placed in my problematic zone, and this is something I have to do endure for several weeks.
  • I also received a walker to support my wobbly mobility; have had in-house training down the corridors of Queen’s. Have to diligently include this in my recovery phase, but walkers never have been part of my life. You know, walkers that were integrated in the hilarious hit Broadway musical, starring. Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick and a cast of walker dancers ingeniously choreographed to show the potential fun you can have with your aluminum gizmo involved with your care home or neighborhood seniors. But seriously, this is no joke, a moment of truth.
  • I also had my Queen’s wristband on, when I returned — this was the golden key to anything and everything for two weeks.

Don’t make a big deal about it, but I can tell you that Queen’s has had two malfunctions with their fire drill alarms. Two nights in a row. Could. Not. Shut. It. Down. The last one, at 1 a.m. the last morning of my stay, was roaring and ringing for 70 minutes.

Most patients were up, natch, and the piercing noise sucked.

Ask the Moaner across the way, who shouts and yells stuff I cannot comprehend; I believe he thinks he had to compete with the malfunction, so he was noisy but not as loud as the efferent bells.

Hospital neighbors are valuable for sustaining a peaceful visit to fix what you have broken. I may be niele, but I never ask neighbors because like me, I believe they  value the own privacy.  Guy 1 was in the bed over the nifty dividing curtain, for four days; we exchanged  hellos, but while I could hear over the curtain, I never discovered what his issues were. Guy 2 replaced him and while I dodged conversation, we chatted briefly on two occasions. While friendly, he was a noisy dude with six daughters and a son, and something like 17 grandchildren and one on the way; there were birthday calls for him, and except for one daughter,  there were no visits. However, business associates  were unintentionally loud with no concern for their own privacy.

This is why I told dear friends and family not to visit, knowing it’s a genuine  note of concern, so I appreciate the kind words of support from ya’ll. Cha and Jack sent lovely, sweet-scented yellow roses; my cousin Loreen and her hubby Butch sent a gorgeous card comprising a fab bouquet; when squeezed, it transformed into a bowl blooms. Both items provoked positive responses from the health staffer.

Stuff I’ve learned during the hospital sojourn:

— There’s always an angel to guide you through the dark times. Mine is my devoted wife Vi, the only “visiitor” I had daily, and she helped get me through these tough times. Thanks, hon!

  • Worry not about your open gown flashing your derriere; the first time is uncomfortable, there might be brisk rear wind, but go ahead and flaunt it. Only you feel the embarrassment.
  • Dunno about the women, but the creator of the bedside urinal did a bum job; it’s virtually impossible to not leave a drip on the bedding. I did the urinal thing, but also had diapers (again, no shame), plus a device that swooshed up the pee…but the buggah when leak.
  • A huge mahalo, too, the medical team led by Dr. Rho,  skippered this journey of wellness for me.
  • Can’t send enough thanks to the crew of nurses, who serve timelessly, night and day, with a smile and joy… It would be proper to tip ‘em, but uncomfortable and inappropriate if he/she wiped you after No 2. Awkward!



A hospital is a hotel for broken bodies, I’m discovering.

When you check in, you leave your attitudes and anxieties outside and forget about your worries and embarrassments! Toss out modesty, too~

And oh, no underwear allowed, too.

I’ve been in Queen’s Medical Center for a week, not by choice but necessity, and I’m blessed with having a team of 10 or so  doctors monitoring my situation, with supported by a very devoted and helpful staff of nurses.

I was broken, and needed fixing.

The day I was wheeled in via an ER ambulance on Aug. 11, I didn’t realize the cause or seriousness of the health; the doctors helped solve the mystery through X-Rays and Cat scans. The problem:

I developed abscesses in my liver and gall bladder and the treatment included draining both gooey messes.  Now, when I go home, I will still have drains next to my right rib cage. Surgery to remove the ball bladder might be an option, but will have to wait.

Patience  and perseverance will be required, since treatment and healing have to best buddies to resolve this problem.

A hospital also is like an opera and a drama. There’s a lot or orchestrated treatments and roles, with blood  drawn and tested, and a chorus of liquid drips, including antibiotics.

The roles are plentiful and varied, most performed by a corps of nurses, both male and female, who arouse you in the wee hours to dispense your meds, or bring you extra blankets amid frigid nocturnal corridors.

In theatrical terms, they are dressed in chic work uniforms in stunning hues, from black to baby blue, from purple to dark green, from hot pink to olive green, and more.

Last night, the hospital’s fire alarm screamed for an hour and 10 minutes, the second day for this fire drill faux pas to happen. Life moved on like nothing happened.

There was a fella down the hall, I could only hear, not see. Mostly during the evenings, he would moan a mantra probably only he could understand.

There are many house rules; you don’t get to decide what you’ll wear, so yep, the noble hospital gown, with backside open to show your derriere, is the only garment you wear. So you get used to it.

if you cannot walk normally, buzz for your needs. In my case, a therapist on my team mandates I use the walker to go to the bathroom, or move from bed  to a chair for meals. I cannot eat meals in bed; the logic being, I need to regain my awareness of the need to re-evaluate my life at home.

On several mornings, he’d visit the room and we’d walk the walk in the corridors together, engraining in my mind how to properly navigate  with the walker. The secret: with arms on both sides of the device, your legs and body must be close to the front of the walker, the best way to avoid a fall. He asked how many shows I saw in New York, and he couldn’t believe it.

My doctors clearly have bright minds and know how to put the puzzle together. You know the old adage but not being to read a legible doctor’s prescription? Kinda true; there’s a daily chalk board of sort lists the daily nurses attending to me; the docs scribble instructions  in shorthand, I can’t fathom what’s what.

OK, this is a revelation. The hospital has no shower in the rooms, so nurses wipe you down, with brisk moves like they’re washing a car, from top to down there. I cringed a bit, the first I had this bath. Now, it’s part of my daily routine.

I’ve eaten more heart-healthy meals since becoming a patient. You can order breakfast for lunch or vice versa, but I highly recommend the Angus on a bun with lettuce and cheese, the chicken jook, the chicken salad sandwich, and the roast park. Fruit faves: watermelon and pineapple, and have not yet a veggie salad I like. Forget the bagel, bad!  The waffles can be had with low-cal syrup, and the wedge of haupia is ono. But skip the so-called ice cream; like bad ice cakes on a stick, but an assortment jello and puddings fulfill a sweet tooth. You order in advance, but even with a late, you’ll get it anytime.

So an update; I’ve not crossed that bump in the read yet, so I’ll likely be bedding here for another two daysl Around here, you take one step at a time, one day at a time. There can’t be a tomorrow if there’s no today or yesterday. Every day matters…



Those who know me know I like the Apple Fritter pastry. My fave is the one at McDonald’s, which is nicely glazed with suger with apple flecks. It costs nearly $3 apiece.

When I visited the new Target’s at Windward Mall in Kaneohe, I picked up a four-pack of Apple Fritters, which cost nearly $6.

So clearly, it’s a better price. Target’s version (above, top) has a similar glaze with apple specks, and and the Fritters here a skosh larger than McD’s (above, bottom) it’s also slightly coiled like the carnival treat, the funnel cake, though the Fritter is a doughnut, not a cake.

Did a taste test, and while I enjoyed Target version, the McD version had a more appealing, tastier glaze.