A tree is a tree is a tree, even if it doesn’t look like one; but it is a Christmas tree, if it exudes the holiday spirit ad challenges the usual mindset. Meet No. 23, in our annual countown…

23—This novelty find –used one previously—challenges the imagination. It proves a tree can be without leaves, as long as it’s something vertical, in this case a series of six circular tree stumps were carefully cut into graduating sizes, the tiniest at the top and the largest at the bottom and anchored with a stump of a base. The space between the slabs is less than an inch in height, so to decorate, you need truly small Christmas stuff: little trees, tiny ornaments, faux candy, Santa charms, and anything that suits your imagination. If it fits, glue it. The reaction will be positive, because it’s certainly different. I bought the tree “nude,” but can’t recall when or where from, but gussied it up with miniatures. It’s truly one of my favorites, because it has charm because it’s unconventional.

Really nice Wayne! Have a nice holiday, We got a dusting of snow this am on the grass so it’s so cold that we will still have a white Xmas here in Philly, Aloha Dolores
Mahalo for your kind note…and stay away from the Phily snow, or risk a cold. Merry Christmas…in your case, a white Christmas.