Comedian Frank DeLima will return to Blue Note Hawaii for a lone show at 7 p.m. Dec. 15.

It likely will be his last appearance till next year.
“I wanted to do just one performance,” he said, declining a twofer for that date. Normally, DeLima would have been doing a yuletide show at the Pagoda Restaurant, but the pandemic has put a lid on such shows.

Thus, if you want to see and hear his fabled “Numbah One Day of Christmas,” his local-style takeoff of “The 12 Days of Christmas,” this will be the only occasion he will perform it. However, with pandemic protocols, he likely cannot haul up 12 participants from the audience to complete his zany tableau.
And yes, his lighted Christmas tree outfit will come out from storage for his “Filipino Christmas” parody based on “Sleigh Bells.”
By showtime, DeLima also hopes to shape a routine, with or without music, about the controversies and challenges of the see-sawing changes in the coronavirus rulebook.
His opening act will be Cathy Tanaka.
Tickets: $25 to $35, at or (808) 777-4890 . …

Remembering Pratt
Services for DJ Pratt, the guitarist of Kalapana who died Sept. 9, will be held at 2 p.m. Nov. 20 at Kawaiaha‘o Church, according to bandmate Gaylord Holomalia. “I’m sorry it took so long and I didn’t have answers to people asking me about (services) because my main focus was getting a date.” Kahu Kenneth Makuakane had to deal with coronavirus protocols, still in place.
Pandemic protocols will be in place, with a crowd limit and mask requirements. …
And that’s Show Biz. …