Just asking…
Wondering if today’s kids play the string-based game called Cat’s Cradle anymore?
When I was growing up time – back when dinosaurs ruled the Earth – everyone engaged in this simple but complex game, where a long, knotted string – we used to use those slightly thicker cords, in lieu of weaker thread-like strings for crocheting – is placed on both bands, and different motifs are formed.

More girls than boys played this string game.
The task can involve four hands, and even six, at a higher level of complication.
The string can be placed from one hand to another, with fingers taking over, leading up to somewhat tricky configurations.

Online books and video – not a visual tool, back in the day – now demonstrate what and how the cradle can stimulate fun and competition, without actual toys or action figures or iPads.
The string’s the thing.
Howzit Wayne-YES! I can still play “string” as we called it back in the day and in fact, taught my elementary kids how to play it too when I was teaching here in Sacramento! Eh, remember playing “Chinese Jump Rope” with the 1/4 ” elastic?
Enjoy your columns-keep safe and Aloha!
Old games still work, when you think about it. Jump rope, marbles, tin-can walkie talkies, hangman. Batteries not included, nor needed.