Note: this is not the usual Show Biz column; this one is a snapshot of a milestone birthday and celebration.—W.H.

You can’t ignore an 80th birthday. Truly.

So instead of a customary to-do with family, and despite the wavering cloud of COVID-19, my wife Vi and I invited two couples — pals Jack and Cha Thompson and Rick Ornellas and Vicki Borges – to mark the milestone new decade of my existence.

Roy’s Hawaii Kai was the destination – our favorite “hometown” fine dining joint, after all – and it was a blast.

It was to be a no-gift occasion with the Haradas footing the bill, but my friends are generous but don’t listen: so they separately presented gift cards ($80 plus a movie gift card, from the Thompsons, and $81 from Rick and Vicki, with the extra $ likely a token for good luck), but don’t chuckle. They know me:  Zippy’s also is my neighborhood go-to place for take-out, with the Kahala site for dine-in since the Hawaii Kai restaurant is not yet open to welcome area visitors, apparently because of lease rate issues.

The Chow Hounds, front: Vicki, Rick and Cha; rear, Jack, Vi and Wayne

The gathering of three couples was also significant, marking the formal assembling of the Chow Hounds club, with Vicki and Ricky as newbies. We officially welcomed the new members of this cluster of foodies who enjoy regular outings of great food, wine, and, yes, margaritas.

The Chow Hounds lapel pin
Misoyaki butterfish entree.

I made “Chow Hounds” lapel pins for everyone to wear, to acknowledge that this club will engage in more restaurant visits with a measure of practical frequency. So cheers!

For the record, three of us ordered Roy’s fabled misoyaki butterfish. My fave.

Birthday dessert

To award-winning chef Roy Yamaguchi, arigato for the pupus and dessert, and a hearty hurrah for the traffic of diners, inside the restaurant, in the party room, and in the downstairs bar area, and outside in a rousing, clustery certification that Roy’s is back with a wave of regulars.

Gomen, for occupying Table 1 for three hours; so much fun and fellowship. Be advised: we’ll return for another festive and ono evening…

And that’s “Show Biz.” …


  1. How awesome! Everyone looks wonderful. So glad you were able to celebrate your milestone birthday with good friends!

    1. Hi Wayne,

      Well looks like you had a great 80th birthday dinner with friends at Roy’s. Nice pictures of your special day. I like Zippy’s too. I get their email and the pictures of the meals sure make me homesick.

      Hauoli la Hanau! Aloha Dolores

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