Drew and Colton Bright, sons of Clarke and Jade Bright, sent their mom a special, lasting floral bouquet for Mother’s Day.

‘Twas fashioned from Lego bricks, so it took some time and effort to shape and make. Proves that the Bright siblings are not only stage-savvy, but they’re also adept in plastics, too.

Of course, proud grandma Mo Bright, widow of the beloved stage director Ron Bright, posted a pic of the creation on Facebook. …then Jade confessed that she provided the kit for her sons. Hey, if it works, why not?
Glenn Medeiros, Saint Louis School president, was at home on Mother’s Day, at his keyboards. So why not serenade and singing and self-accompany himself, rendering a sweet version of “Where Is Love,” an appropriate but underrated ballad from the musical, “Oliver.”
He’s still got his pipes. And charm. Check it out on Facebook. …
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After Medici, New York
Entertainer Shari Lynn is prepping for another gig at Medici’s at Manoa Marketplace this month. She takes the stage at 7:30 p.m. May 21, at the Manoa Marketplace venue. Doors open at 6 p.m. for pre-performance dinner.

Tickets are $59, include dinner, plus a handling fee. Visit https://medicismanoa.com for tickets.
By the end of May, Shari and hubby Michael Acebedo will be celebrating their wedding anniversary with a romantic lakeside dinner at Central Park’s Boathouse restaurant. It’s a belated 45th celebration, since they wed in June, and the trip had to be delayed because of the pandemic. So the dinner will be an early celebration for No. 46 this year….
For Shari, this won’t be a theater-watching visit since the bulk of the Broadway reopenings won’t be ready till fall. Still, when you’re in The Big Apple, there’s still a lot to do and engage in. …
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Strumming duo
You never know who shows up and presents an unplanned mini-concert.
When Rick Ornellas was at the Kahala Mkt recently, he encountered a first-class ukulele performance by dual strummers Jake Shimabukuro and Herb Ohta Jr.
Visitors-diners s at the MKT’s restaurant were treated to an impromptu performance – a lucky happenstance, natch.
Shimabukuro recently was on Henry Kapono’s Blue Note tribute to the late Don Ho, and the strumming doubled as a trickle-over post-show salute to Uncle Don. Yes, we remember him, too. …
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Got tidbits? Share ‘em…
I’ve been getting emails from folks who wonder how to get into this rebooted column.
Best way: email me at wayneharada@gmail.com, with notes and quotes you deem interesting to share with peers and readers. Or put together a graph or two, if you’re doing a concert or project. Submit items a week to 10 days before an event, to allow time to publicize here; data may be included in occasional Date Book calendar listings. This still is a work-in-progress website. Mahalo…
And that’s “Show Biz”: …