It’s not an everyday experience, when the First Lady of Hawaii shares and reads a book by a local artist, with the results posted on YouTube.
That’s what’s happening in literary land, when Dawn Amano Ige, Hawaii’s first lady, read and shared one of island poet Frances Kakugawa’s Wordsworth books, the first in a series of children’s volumes in which a mouse named Wordsworth inspires youths to do the right things in life, tapping poetry to resolve conflicts and problems.

Ms. Ige’s support and reading of Ms. Kakugawa’s popular poetry book hurls the printed word into a new dimension and is a gentle prelude of the University of Hawaii Hilo campus’ forthcoming musical theater launching – based on the Wordsworth character created by

Kakugawa – which will be the focus in the November premiere of a musical showcasing the impact and inspiration of a fictional mouse. A win-win for all involved, with this kind of blissful exposure. …
Much ado at night
There’s a splendid mixture of night life events on the August calendar. To wit:
- “Na Kupuna Night,” an ongoing evening of Hawaiiana, spotlights Jerry Santos and

Friends, at 6 p.m. Aug. 27 at the Hawaii Convention Center. Doors open at 5 p.m. for bar and dinner service; show from 6 to 7:30 p.m.; vendors available from 3:30 p.m., kanikapila music from 4 to 4:45 p.m. Tickets: $79 for dinner, $49 for cocktails only, available at www.hmpshawaii.com . Presented by the Hawaiian Music Perpetuation Society, supporting the kupuna of Hawaii.

- The Shari Lynn Trio makes another appearance at Medici’s at Manoa Marketplace, from 6 p.m. Aug. 27. Featuring Jim Howard on keyboards and John Kolivas on bass. Tickets: $75, includes dinner; doors open at 6 p.m., show at 7:30 p.m. Visit ww.w.tix.com/ticket-sales
- Charlys Ing, longtime advocate of Hawaii Ballet Theatre, is the focus of “Charlybration –A Summer Concert,” at 7:30 pm. Aug. 20 at the Leeward Community Theatre. Tickets: $45, atwww.hawaiiballettheatre.org/events or www.showtix4u.com/events

- “Tiki in Waikiki 2022,” featuring the Lloyd Kandell-led Don Tiki, the Waitiki 7, and Sherry Shaoling, will be staged at 7 p.m. Aug. 28 at the Hawaii Theatre. Tickets: $25 to $45, at www.hawaiitheatre.com or (808) 528-0506.
- Paula Fuga, popular chanteuse of blues and more, pays tribute to Aretha Franklin in shows at 6:30 and 9 p.m. Aug. 5 ad 6 at Blue Note Hawaii. Tickets: $35 and $45, at www.bluenotehawaii.com or (808) 777-4890.
- Beat-Lele, engaged in ukemanship and The Beatles music, performs at 6:30 and 9 p.m. Aug. 12 and 13 at Blue Note Hawaii. Tickets: $25 and $35, at www.bluenotehawaii.com or (808) 777-4890. …
‘American Idol’ auditions
“American Idol” is launching its 21st season, and the sixth on ABC (Fox was the anchor previously), with “Idol Across America” as the theme of the virtual auditions beginning Aug. 3.
Auditions will be held in all 50 states, plus Washington D.C ., and Hawaii’s chance is pegged for Aug. 19, where wanna-bes from Alaska, California, Nevada, and Washington scheduled the same day.
For info on how to schedule a slot, to virtually make that initial audition before a producer, visit www.americanidol.com/auditions…
The first round of tryouts will begin in the spring of 2023. …
And that’s Show Biz. …