While cleaning out a box the other day, I came across a photo of a vintage Sheaffer fountain pen.

What’s that, you ask?

Back in the day, folks were accustomed to this writing device, which had a special tip that enabled a person to hand-write, in cursive script, a swellegant note or letter. If you owned such a pen, you also needed a bottle of ink to refill the pen; the bottle had a well where you’d place the pen tip, then swoosh in ink. Black ink was preferred; blue was popular; I recall having green ink, at one point.

This pen predated the current gel pens, which you now click to reveal a pen point, to write.

A Sheaffer fountain pen

Sheaffer later had cartridges that didn’t require ink bottles, and this meant less chances of spilling ink and ease in writing. The issue with fountain pens: you had to be cautious about not placing your hand or wrist on ink that might be wet, a problem slightly more challenging for lefties.

Typewriters, computers and cellphones virtually erased the art of penmanship and basic notecard writing or letters printed from a computer that only requires a personal signature. Texting also has led to a new shorthand language – BFF, LOL, BTW,OMG, TTYL, IDC, WTF – and iconic smiley face and the thumbs up also have altered the way we “write.”

The pen required an ink bottle.

Raise your hand, if you still use a Sheaffer fountain pen. If yes, your signature glows with this kind of pen.

I stopped using this classic writing instrument years ago when ball points became popular.

And while I utilize email daily, like most folks, I still send a note card – commonly a thank you, frequently a birthday greeting – because I believe in the art of writing. Besides, I create Wild Cards of various designs to promote this lost art of penning a note.

Which brings to mind: remember the song, “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter” It’s a love song – even Frank Sinatra sang and recorded it — that says a lot and says it best:

I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
And make believe it came from you
I’m gonna write words, oh, so sweet
They’re gonna knock me off my feet
A lotta kisses at the bottom
I’ll be glad I got ’em
I’m gonna smile and say “I hope that you’re much better”
And then I’ll close the way I do


The talk on CBS’ “The Talk” is that Carrie Ann Inaba will walk.

Inaba, who replaced original co-host JulIe Chen Moonves in 2018, is departing the CBS talk show after 2 ½ years.

Inaba, who is from Hawaii, has been on leave since April. Her exit means there will be further turnover, since Sharon Obsbourne walked – or was forced to depart — because of an on-air confrontation got out of control when she supported fellow Brit broadcaster Piers Morgan several months ago. Osbourne was replaced by Jerry O’Connell, the show’s first male member.

Carrie Ann Inaba

Inaba’s successor has not been named.

“I enjoyed my time at The Talk as co-host and moderator and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to grow with the entire Talk family Inas well as truly connect with viewers on such a personal level,” said Inaba. “I will miss The Talk, but I am excited for the next chapter both for myself and for the show.”

Inaba cemented her popularity and credibility when she was one of the judges on ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars.” Unbeknown to most, dance has been part of her life, and as one of the Fly Girls in Fox’s “In Living Color,” she started her TV portfolio.

She is a Punahou graduate who won a talent and parlayed the laurels with some creds in Japan, groomed as pop star and learning to sing in Nihongo phonetically with a lyric sheet.

Surely, her hiatus will be short – she’s always in demand. …

KoDee Martin

KoDee Martin lands 2nd Bard role

After 200-plus auditioners and the usual round of callbacks, Hawaii actor KoDee Martin scored his second Shakespearean role in New York. In a Facebook post, Martin said he will portray Lucius in The Bard’s “Titus Andronicus,” with the Belladdnna Shakespeare Company. “I couldn’t be happier,” he said to his FB followers. “And what better time of the year than on the weekend of All Hallows’ Eve.” Trick or treat, anyone?

Martin made his New York acting debut when he earlier played Ferdinand in “Love’s Labour’s Lost.”…

And that’s Show Biz. …


What’s the role of a deejay these days?

Referring to the elite crew of hosts on radio, some who chat a lot, some not so much.

Perhaps some of radio personalities can share tidbits can shed light on how deejay roles have changed over the decades.

Some things haven’t changed radically; there’s still patter and chatter, frequently following newscasts, where discussion is necessary. Some still accept phone calls from listeners. Does anyone do dedications of a particular tune, aimed to a special person?

Many things have changed. Like, no one “plays records” anymore. The music source used to be those vinyl discs, 45s or LPs, where tracks were played from turntables. Not anymore. The recordings are virtual, readily accessible. I suppose occasionally, a vintage tune not available in the vast library of resources, might be played.

As a listener, what occasionally bothers me is that I hear a song and wonder who was singing. (Can’t always recall the name of the voice). A deejay will frequently drop a name, but most often not. Back in the day, a song title was impeccably uttered, so credit would be paid to the singer, or band. Further, a deejay used to even mention the label – in case you wanted to go out and buy the disc.

The era of the Poi-boys

Talk shows are different – many discussions on a myriad of topics. Folks can react and respond with phone reactions.

Also, radio ratings used to be a big thing, with stations topping the polls earning bragging rights. Those were the days; key deejays had swarms of rooters and boosters, and some jocks became superstars. Remember the K-POI poi boys? The papers used to report the Arbitron numbers, the way Nielsens used to rank TV shows. Nada now. Heck, the papers used to print radio logs daily, the way TV primetime programming is there for the looking.

The stations with a live body delivering live news and traffic reports earn bonus points for these services; the pre-programmed ones, without a friendly, live host, lack personality and appeal.

So, the Akus, Tom Moffatts , Ron Jacobs and Ron Wileys all ruled the radio waves. Listeners used to know the station’s call letters, like KGMB, KSSK, KIKI, KPOI,  KCCN. Today, the most-listened-to morning drive dude is Michael W. Perry, on KSSK (formerly KGMB), cherished for its posse following. Radio has evolved as a friend of the commuter.  I seldom listen to radio at home, but almost always tune in while driving. And you?


Maggie Q, the actress from Hawaii, portrays the title figure in “The Protege,” opening in theaters today. (Aug. 20) She is earning first-tier billing in the cast, which also stars Michael Keaton and Samuel L. Jackson, among others.

Maggie Q

Q’s character Anna was a child in Vietnam and rescued by professional hit man Moody (Jackson), who becomes her compadre in the lucrative killing game.  Anna operates an antiquarian bookshop in London, frequented by customer Rembrandt (Keaton) who spouts Poe from books she retrieves from the shelves.

The Martin Campbell-directed film opens today in theaters only; it’s not among the fare destined for Netflix or HBO Max. …

Willy wows ‘em

Willy Falk

Glad to hear that ex-Honolulan Willy Falk finally has been able to show off his pipes in New York, after a 17-month drought due to the pandemic. A Tony nominee for playing Chris in the original “Miss Saigon” on Broadway, Falk was one of a bevy of Big Apple troupers in Scott Seigel’s “Broadway Greatest Hits,”staged recently at Feinstein’s/54 Below. Marilyn Lester’s review, at, called Falk “a very bright Broadway light, (who) gave a 200-watt performance…He has a honey-smooth vocal tone and a terrific range.” Falk delivered  his signature “Saigon” tune, “ “Why God, Why?,” plus “Corner of the Sky,” the anthem from “Pippin,” and “he’s never sounded better.”

Falk, a Punahou alum, has been a Blue Note Hawaii regular and is in rehearsal mode for performances aboard a Disney cruise, not yet announced. …’

No live, only virtual Hoku evening

Because of mounting health concerns, including the surge of coronavirus cases, the Hawaii Academy of Recording Arts has tweaked its 44th annual Na Hoku Hanohano Awards and has canceled its live-with-audience event set for Sept. 11.

Instead,  a combination of taped and virtual festivities will be staged, with HARA bowing to state guidelines and protocols to proceed minus a live audience.

The theme, “Ho ‘la Hou – A New Awakening,” will be retained, with the televised show set to air Oct. 7 on KFVE.

Award winners will be have to submit brief acceptance speeches which will be incorporated into the final program. …

And that’s Show Biz. …


Just asking…

Is mask-wearing still a matter for debate?

Seems like the wearing of face masks in Hawaii is a no-brainer – science shows it shields you from catching the virus, or spreading it if you’re infected.

Masking/vaxxing: Still an issue?

Sadly, amid rising COVID-19 stats, this mask thing continues to be an issue to discuss.  Seems the delta variant – more devastating, if you catch it — is a major player in the new, mounting wave of COVID deaths.

A local expert predicts that the pandemic will around for two more years. Will the unvaccinated souls be around then? Remember, there’s a segment of folks who say that the right to say no to the shot is a matter of choice; that it shouldn’t be a mandate to wear it under specific circumstance

Getting vaccinated hasn’t yet reached the state’s goal of 70 per cent  (stalled at 60+ per cent) and continues to be a challenge.

So is vaxxing still an issue? Will we ever see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Yes, there’s still resistance, in pockets of the community, where some won’t roll up sleeves to get the free shots for a variety of dubious reasons. Religious beliefs. Personal rights. Nixing the vaxx that Democrats are pushing, even though the GOP got the ball rolling an administration ago.

Among the naysayers, it’s their freedom to be mask-free or unvaxxed.

That’s one of the reasons why Frank DeLima has once more been tapped to non-vaxxers to get that shot.

Further: the lieutenant governor has been contemplating a possible lockdown again – remember those horrid times – as hospitals are running out of patient beds, covid numbers surging.

The bottom line: About 95 per cent of recent COVID deaths are folks who weren’t vaxxed. Consequently, does this make any sense to pass on the shot?  

Get one, if you haven’t; it’s protection for you, your family, and others.

Just wondering…