Moses Goods, the respected and versatile performer and writer, has had good fortunes in recent week, with productions “on location” in Hawaii.

His visibility and accolades were tantamount, when he appeared in CBS’ “NCIS: Hawai‘i”as Wally Holman, the Waimanolo-based father of Kai Holman, the secondary agent character portrayed by Alex Tallant supposedly with island roots but dubious loyalty of becoming a “local” again. For the record, Tallant is part Maori and Samoan, and would pass for a Hawaii lad, but lacks the aura and credibility of Goods, formerly of Maui and now of Oahu. Surely, you’re familiar with Goods, a native Hawaiian-black actor-playwright who wrote and starred in a one-man show, “Duke,” about the legendary surfer and Olympian Duke Kahanamoku. The producers wanted to make his at-home scenes credible, so Goods brought in some real vintage photos that are now plopped on a table, providing realistic set accoutrements to the household.

But here’s where the good fortune comes in. Goods recently auditioned for a recurring role in the HBO Max lifeguard drama, “Ke Nui Road,” the pilot for which begins filming on the North Shore shortly. His character is Jeremy and what he does has not yet been revealed.
“Ke Nui Road” aims to be a lifestyle portrait of the grittiness and grandeur of North Shore lifeguards, in that monster-wave setting that instantly attracts athletes and spectators. No, don’t expect a reboot of “Baywatch;” the “Ke Nui” team should deliver a drama as huge as the waves, at best.

Maybe his “NCIS” performance was a factor, maybe not, but Goods got word that he will be seen as Jeremy, and clearly, he impressed the executive producers, John Wells, Matt Kester and Erin Jontow, who had a note of congrats attached to an orchid plant in a basket, delivered to his doorsteps. Naturally, Goods was blown by the kindness and hospitality of the Wells-led team. If you’re up on TV honchos, Wells was the showrunner of “The West Wing” and “Shameless,” Kester is an “”Animal Kingdom” writer, and Jontow is president of Television at John Wells Productions.
Perhaps Wells and team should enlist North Shore resident Jack Johnson to create authentic original island-style music for the score? Just thinking, if the team hasn’t thought of this yet. …
Manoa DNA has Blue Note gig

Manoa DNA will take stage at Blue Note Hawaii at 6 and 8:30 p.m. Oct. 13, not focusing on its melodies but doing tributes to legendary pop acts.
The trio now is a duo, with dad Lloyd Kawakami (the D) and son Alx Kawakami (the A) still in the act. Nick Kawakami (the N), son of Lloyd and bro of Alx, now is involved full-time in real estate.
The group – with skills in harmonic vocals — will feature the tunes of Crosby, Stills & Nash and Simon & Garfunkel. It earlier presented a slate of songs by The Eagles.
Reservations: or phone 777-4890. …
Tito’s schedules
Tito Berinobis will perform solo from 6 to 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, at Chart House Waikiki, with a tweaked schedule due to coronavirus restrictions. Chart House is launching a weekend brunch, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., beginning today (Oct.2) and Sunday (Oct. 3). Call 941-6669.
Berinobis continues to entertain at the Ilikai Courtyard from 6 to 9 p.m. Sundays and at the Elks Club Waikiki from 6 to 8 p.m. Fridays, schedules unchanged. …
And that’s Show Biz. …