Just updated: Manoa Valley Theatre has announced it will open “Be More Chill” on Oct. 14.

Because of surge of COVID-19 cases in Hawaii, Manoa Valley Theatre apparently will shut down its “Be More Chill” season opener, set for Sept. 2. It will be the first casualty of the 2021-22 stage season.

The show, a hit on Broadway, was to have its Hawaii premiere under auspices of MVT, Hawaii’s off-Broadway theater, with Andrew Sakaguchi directing.

But the declaration earlier this week, from Mayor Rick Blangiardi, to heighten rigid pandemic protocols to parties of 10 in restaurants and half-the-house for stage productions, is going to be a headache and an unexpected inconvenience for Hawaii’s theater community.

I checked with Kip Wilborn, executive director of MVT, and asked why the “stop” sign – meaning a shutdown of operations – has not yet been declared on the theater’s website.
“We’re working on it,” he responded, “checking with the mayor’s office for workable solutions.”

Apparently, this newest wrinkle in tweaking the pandemic’s exhaustive and constantly changing requirements lasts at least a month, till mid-September. And MVT is frantically trying to comply without major setbacks — a worrisome issue stretching beyond the theatrical community.

‘Chill’ out

While MVT has told its office staff and cast that “Be More Chill” is shut down till further notice, as the cast was fine-tuning the show, the public has not yet been formally informed, because MVT was still ironing out a Plan B. (Update: MVT now has set Oct. 14 as opening night).

The challenges: MVT for the first time has been selling reserved seats for patrons, and Wilborn said all subscribers will have to be told – via  email or phone calls – about a stall and a new struggle to determine when opening night will be and how to miraculously resolve dates and seats for those already with questionable printed tickets. Subscribers, for the first time, also must present proof of vaccination, and don face masks.  With social distancing, the theater could at best accommodate 60, a skosh more than half a house.

A MVT season brochure, inserted into the Star-Advertiser delivery on Wednesday, also already is obsolete so adds to the confusion.

Breathing space

Diamond Head Theatre, whose season’s opener is the musical “Oliver,” has breathing space for now, since its formal debut won’t be till Sept. 24. Like MVT, DHT has been selling season tickets without open seats for social distancing and face masks, anticipating a full house of 475 and banking that directives do not change, with mask-wearing and proof of vaccine shots sufficient for compliance.

Its website also does not address potential seating issues.

First to the task

First to the task of modification is TAG, The Actors Group, ensconced at the Brad Powell Theatre at Dole Cannery.

Its “Kimberly Akimo” is premiering this evening, Aug. 27, and a live audience will include no more than 10. But the show is being recorded for On Demand viewing (tickets: $20) beginning Sept. 2.

Those ticketed for a live watch should have been reached by now; it’s also possible to change your plans and watch the show virtually, through Sept. 12, according to the TAG website.

Those taking in a live show need to show proof of vaccination.

The televised shows had been on the agenda, before the pandemic rules changed, but TAG also had sold all seats without social distancing; hence, the need to pluck some and switch ‘em to virtual.

A tough hand

Honolulu’s acting community also are being dealt a tough hand; since earlier this year, opening parties have been non-existent or smallish. Meet-and-greet, after performances, have been forbidden, but loyal fans have stayed on after the final curtain to bring lei, floral bouquets or other first-night gifts.

Closing night parties are a thing of the past, too.

Worst of all, the actors in all productions have not been able to flash one vital souvenir of the play-acting and play-going experience: the playbill listing their names, often with their photos, and with a rundown of the show’s techies, too. …

And that’s Show Biz. …



Start spreading the news: Koko Marina, the shopping complex in Hawaii, is coming back to life.

The Consolidated movie theater has reopened without notice, with limited screenings; Ryan Reynolds’ “Free Guy” is the current headline flick, with Jordan Peele’s horror thriller “Candyman” opening Friday.

There’s buzz, too, that the Hawaii Kai Zippy’s is opening up its dining room perhaps in October. New carpeting is being installed, with work trucks parked daily outside the main entrance.

Koko Marina theaters are open.

Despite the surge in COVID cases and heightened protocols mandate by the mayor, the return of the movie screens and the notion that dine-in options are on the horizon is great news.

And about time!

I’ve ventured to Ward Theatres several times to view quality films, like “Free Guy” and “In the Heights.” That I can now frequent Koko Marina is a blessing and a testament that slowly, businesses are attempting to return to some kind of normality.

I learned about the Zippy’s plan from a former waitress, now serving meals at another Hawaii Kai eatery. She was asked about a possible return to Zippy’s; and queried about letting the word out that the restaurant finally is moving to reinstate dine-in. Take-out has been wonderful, but there’s nothing like dining in.

Zippy’s Hawaii Kai: October dine-in?

If memory serves well, Zippy’s booths also needed upgrading. The air-conditioning has been a recurring issue, too. And there’s always been a need for waiters, since Hawaii Kai folks have not provided enough servers, with most workers commuting from other regions to work there.

And let’s be honest: Zippy’s Hawaii Kai is on the water and boasts a swell marina view like no other in the chain. These visual amenities add joy and  satisfaction to the best fried chicken in the state, the always ono-licious Zip-Min, and the incomparable Zip-Pac loaded with local lore like the chicken and the beloved Spam.

So: see ya at the movies, and later this year, inside the Zippy’s we’ve all been anticipating…

On and off

With pandemic mandates changing by the day, here’s a quick recap of what’s on and what’s off.

On: Johnny Valentine joins the Honolulu Jazz Quartet in a Facebook Live virtual performance at 2 p.m. Saturday (Aug. 28).According to HJQ honcho John Kolivas, the session will focus on jazz but embrace not just the traditional but arrangements of tunes by the likes Stevie Wonder, Paul Simon, and The Beatles, among others. …

Off:  Hawaiian Mission Houses Historic Site and Archives’ “Building Houses, Building Stories” History Theatre program, originally scheduled for Aug.27 and 28, 2021, has been postponed.  A virtual version of “Building Houses, Building Stories” will be forthcoming; An in-person version will be staged when it is safe to do so. …

And that’s Show Biz. …


Guess who’s coming to Hawaii in the weeks/months ahead to do a crossover episode with “NCIS: Hawai‘i.”  It’s Kensi Blye, from the sister show “NCIS: Los Angeles.”

Daniela Ruah

Kensi, portrayed by Daniela Ruah, in the California-based installation of the CBS franchise show, is rumored to be heading to our shores to join Vanessa Lachey as Jane Tennant, in the newbie NCIS project.

The guest appearance will be somewhat historic, since the Hawaiian NCIS show – the third spinoff – also is the first outside of the continental U.S.A. and the first unit led by a woman, played by Lachey.

The visit will be Kensi/Ruah’s second crossover since she earlier made it to the islands to guest-star in 2011 in an episode of the CBS series “Hawaii Five-0,” joining Alex O’Loughlin as Steve McGarrett in that franchise’s island reboot, though not the same brand, so to speak.

Agent Kensi will join the follow investigators of Pearl Harbor, portrayed by Yasmine Al-Bustami, Jason Antoon and Noah Mills. …

For Silk Sonic, grease is the word

Silk Sonic: Anderson .Paak and Bruno Mara

Silk Sonic, the group comprising Bruno Mars and Anderson .Paak, has decided to delay its anticipated first-album, “Evening With Silk Sonic,” which had been anticipated this fall. Instead, Mars and .Paak have stalled the release date to  January, 2020, according to Rolling Stone.

With two first singles – “Leave the Door Open” and “Skate” – hitting the charts, Silk Sonic could have at least two, perhaps more – pre-CD single releases before the  album is available.

“I don’t want to be binge-watched,” Mars declared in a statement. “We’re really in touch-up mode now. We’ve got the bones of most of the album, so it’s really about touch up parts that need a little more … grease.”

So: grease is the word, and we have to wait till whenever. …

Foreverly brotherly

Don Everly

The death Saturday (Aug. 21) of Don Everly, one half of the Everly Brothers, triggered early memories of the duo’s country-pop sound and hits. Phil preceded Don in death, so an era ends, but appreciation and hurrahs will live on, including questions why they eventually broke up.

The Everlys were a pioneering brother act with a hypnotic harmonic blend of voices and clearly a bro-brand of their time. If it weren’t for the Everlys, wonder if there might not have been a Righteous Brothers (who weren’t really bros) or the Jonas Brothers (who are siblings).

I recall watching in awe, when the Everlys were among a bunch of 50s and 60s acts peppering the charts with a fresh sound, performing in the quaint Civic Auditorium, back in the day when the Blaisdell Center and Waikiki Shell were not yet even in the planning stages.

Promoter Tom Moffatt , a visionary who was the one who presented a series of Show of Stars, included the Everly Bros. in one the early parade of popsters to the islands.

Who can forget the cluster of hits the Everlys created, notably “Wake Up Little Suzy,” “Bye, Bye Love” and a Hawaii favorite, “All I Have to do Is Dream.” I even remember their maroon-grey Cadence record label. Foreverly formidable. …

And that’s Show Biz. …


While cleaning out a box the other day, I came across a photo of a vintage Sheaffer fountain pen.

What’s that, you ask?

Back in the day, folks were accustomed to this writing device, which had a special tip that enabled a person to hand-write, in cursive script, a swellegant note or letter. If you owned such a pen, you also needed a bottle of ink to refill the pen; the bottle had a well where you’d place the pen tip, then swoosh in ink. Black ink was preferred; blue was popular; I recall having green ink, at one point.

This pen predated the current gel pens, which you now click to reveal a pen point, to write.

A Sheaffer fountain pen

Sheaffer later had cartridges that didn’t require ink bottles, and this meant less chances of spilling ink and ease in writing. The issue with fountain pens: you had to be cautious about not placing your hand or wrist on ink that might be wet, a problem slightly more challenging for lefties.

Typewriters, computers and cellphones virtually erased the art of penmanship and basic notecard writing or letters printed from a computer that only requires a personal signature. Texting also has led to a new shorthand language – BFF, LOL, BTW,OMG, TTYL, IDC, WTF – and iconic smiley face and the thumbs up also have altered the way we “write.”

The pen required an ink bottle.

Raise your hand, if you still use a Sheaffer fountain pen. If yes, your signature glows with this kind of pen.

I stopped using this classic writing instrument years ago when ball points became popular.

And while I utilize email daily, like most folks, I still send a note card – commonly a thank you, frequently a birthday greeting – because I believe in the art of writing. Besides, I create Wild Cards of various designs to promote this lost art of penning a note.

Which brings to mind: remember the song, “I’m Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter” It’s a love song – even Frank Sinatra sang and recorded it — that says a lot and says it best:

I’m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
And make believe it came from you
I’m gonna write words, oh, so sweet
They’re gonna knock me off my feet
A lotta kisses at the bottom
I’ll be glad I got ’em
I’m gonna smile and say “I hope that you’re much better”
And then I’ll close the way I do