A historic moment: “The Phantom of the Opera” closed tonight (April 16) at the Majestic Theatre. How’s this for a cast photo to mark the milestone? It’s Broadway’s longest-running musical…until the next biggie arrives. RIP, though who knows, a revival might be in the distant future.


A Belgian waffle store, La Liegeoise, has opened at the Koko Marina Shopping Center in Hawaii Kai, in the former Sophie’s Pizza slot a stone’s throw from Zippy’s take-out space.

The concept is a holdable waffle with options for toppings of your choice.

I chose a basic cinnamon sugar topping, sprinkled over a waffle that had a crispy exterior and a tad sticky interior, making it a chewable pastry toasted like a conventional thick Belgian waffle but with a slightly moist inside.

The basic waffle is $7, with a $1 charge for your choice of a topping such as Nutella, peanut butter, strawberry jam and whipped cream, or not-so-common options like Oreo, Fruit Loops, M&Ms and salted butter caramel.

The various toppings kinda makes La Liegeoise’s waffle trying to play catch up with the trendy doughnuts. So far, no bacon topping. Nor maple syrup.

Some considerations: if you’re holding and eating the waffle, you might want a topping that won’t topple. If you eat the waffle flat, you could still use your fingers and munch as you would a slice of toast. Or use utensils like you would a normal waffle.

But here’s the rub: the quicker you eat it (it’ll be warm), the better; if you’re buying for dessert after dinner, it won’t be fresh (it’ll be cold).

Best option: eat in-store, since there are a few tables. You can splurge and buy before or after a movie, make it your breakfast, or your snack after shopping instead of shave ice.

My opinion: It’s a middling newcomer with an uphill battle to compete with fancy doughnuts and malasadas, where patrons order up a dozen. Don’t think these waffles will have too many take-out orders of 12. …

Services set for John Michael White

A memorial service for the late John Michael White will be held at 2 p.m. May 18 at Central Union Church, 1660 S. Beretania St.

White died March 31 at age 81.

White, pictured, was known for his support of a range of community organizations, including Boys Bunch Hawaii, of which he was a founding member, the Hawaii Polo Club and the polo community, and Make a Wish Foundation.

I knew him best as avid theater patron, where he always shared his manao with a handshake and beaming smile, at productions at Diamond Head Theatre and Manoa Valley Theatre.

In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to John’s favorite causes.

Survivors include a son, Jeffrey Michael White, and a daughter, Tracey White McCarthy, and several grandchildren. …

Make Longs a part of your day, again

Well, you can make Longs a part of your day again, when Kumu Kahua revives the Lee Cataluna comedy, “Folks You Meet at Longs,” May 25  to June 25…

The show, which was a hit when it originally premiered in 2003, is a glimpse of folks who frequent the aisles of the drug store where just about everyone shops. There are monologues and interaction, just like any day at a Longs. Not surprisingly, CVS Longs and HMSA are among the partners in sponsoring this run.

The acting ensemble features Alysia-Leila Kepaʻa, Brandon Hagio, Cori Matsuda,  Darryl Soriano, Dawn Gohara, Jason Kanda, Jonathan Reyn,  Judy Lucina, and Thoren Lagaʻali Black.

Alvin Chan, who is directing the revival, said , “It’s an honor to work on a piece that I consider to be part of Hawaii’s theater canon.”

For ticket information, call  (808) 5364441 orvisit www.kumukahua.org

And that’s Show Biz. …



“Magnum P.I.” surely is a show that has had challenges and bumps in the road following its cancellation from CBS to its reinstatement at NBC.
The show had to postpone its customary “Sunset on the Beach” season-opening episode back in February.

But fans and supporters now can get a sneak peek at Episode 9 – at a “Sunset on the Beach in Waikiki, from 4 p.m. Friday (April 14)  — before the on-air screening at 8 p.m. Sunday (April 16) on NBC. Remember, a budding romance started at the end of season five led to locked lips when season six began last February.

Of course, Jay Hernadez, pictured, who is Thomas Magnum, will appear to introduce he episode, which he directed. Castmates Perdita Weeks, Zachary Knighton, Stephen Hill and Tim Kang will also be present.

The revived “Magnum” earned decent ratings that accelerated in the first few weeks,  then numbers dropped a bit, signalling brief doubts about a second season with NBC, even though two seasons were promised at the time of the network switches. Numbers (ratings) matter, after all.

Beachfront entertainment will be provided by Tavana, KAMANAWA with Kalei Kahalewai, kumu Blaine Kamalani Kia, Halau Ka Waikahe Lani Malie and Hālau Kahulaliwai, Johnny Helm, the UH Rally Band and Taimane.

 The event is free and open to the public, but seating is limited. Concessions will be available on site…

A dark comedy about ableism

“You’re NOT Sick,” a dark comedy exploring the role of ableism in contemporary Oahu, will be in a brief run at 7:30 p.m. April 14, 15, 21 and 22 at KOA Theatre, at 780 St. Beretania St.

Corpus Productions is staging the play, based on the real-life experiences of director Kat Rothman, which navigates  a series of frustrating and quirky characters amid the  ableism community. Ableism refers to the discrimination of people with disabilities —with the non-disabled aiming prejudice and discrimination at disabled people, often with a patronizing desire to cure their disabilities by trying to make them normal but treating them instead with inferiority.

Mike Poblete is co-directing the play, depicting a callous doctor, an invasive Uber driver, and for a bit of magical realism, an anthropomorphic spoon.

The cast includes Dan Connell, Hulita Drake, Michael “Donut” Donato, Christine Lamborn, Dylan Chace Lee, Marcus Lee, and Amy K. Sullivan.

Tickets: $25, general admission; $20, military and students.

The  play is being staged in partnership with Aloha Independent Living Hawaii, a nonprofit providing independent living programs and services for persons with disabilities all over Hawaii.

Audience talkbacks will be held after the April 14 and 22 performances with participation from representatives from AILH to discuss how the issues raised in the play provide information on how folks can support our local disabled community…

Dates to log, if you’re tony about Tonys

If you’re a Broadway buff, here are early dates to remember:

Nominations will be announced May 2.

The awards will be held June 11 originating from New York City’s uptown United Palace theater and televised on CBS and Paramount+.

Ariana DeBose,  last year’s host, will return again …

Everything’s coming up grosses

Not surprisingly, “The Phantom of the Opera,” which is finally closing on April 16, continues to be Broadway’s No. 1 attraction.

Surprising, “Hamilton” – for years the consistent No. 1 weekly blockbuster – has been slipping down several notches, initially when Hugh Jackman’s “The Music Man” entered the Broadway marketplace.

The top seven shows:

  • “The Phantom of the Opera,” $3,648 million.
  • “The Lion King,” $2.980 million.
  • “Wicked,” $2.751 million.
  • “Aladdin,” $2.178 million.
  • “Hamilton,” $2.001 million.
  • “MJ The Musical,” $1.845 million.
  • “Funny Girl,” $1.830 million.
  • The grosses for the week, courtesy The Broadway League…

And that’s Show Biz…


Kevin I, aka Kevin Iwamoto, has formally retired but no doubt will be busier than ever.

Most retirees have hectic, fruitful, and yes, busy lives when they make the plunge. It’s normally because you decide, when you get up in the morning, what you’ll do. You’ll elect to focus on retiree choices: tend to the garden, take more trips, schedule occasional lunches or dinners with friends and family. Or not. You can do absolutely nothing.

A pal from back in the day, Kevin was a recording artist and frequent singer, at local clubs and venues. We’ve known each other for decades – five? six? —when we both young, green and eager to make a difference in our chosen fields.

Kevin’s had many jobs, spanning a spectrum of successes, moving up the business ladder after ending his performance career. It’s not so much that he feared not finding a performing job, but another option – in his case, aspects of business – would be a better foundation.

Me, I prevailed in one and only occupation – a journalist, a reporter, a critic, a columnist – as if my needle was stuck on the record player. Boring, perhaps, but filled with some opportunities but loaded with memories.

Kevin, of course, has had a luminous career and was, and still is, an active voice in the corporate travel industry. Why not? He earned his stripes at TIM, the University of Hawaii’s fabled Travel Industry Management program of the Business College, and he rocked and rocketed, from a Hawaiian Airlines employee to the Bizly biggie, where he was chief strategy officer and head of enterprise. When he retired a few weeks back,  he emerged – when you look back – to be one of the sparkplugs of the corporate travel industry for 35 years. He’ll continue to advocate for the biz travel community, consulting and speaking, as he’s done throughout his career.

Those in the biz world, who worked with and knew Kevin, will attest to his generosity of time and skills, during various facets of his growth as a corporate leader.

Business Travel News named Kevin Travel Manager of the Year in 2001 for accomplishments at Hewett-Packard, and he was named an Industry Icon in 2009, by the National Business Assn. now known as the Global Business Travel Association.

He’s authored books  and  was a prolific blogger for a network of travel biz followers, but he’s not forgotten his Hawaii roots, providing TIM scholarships for UH biz students.

In the past year, his entertainment career made a comeback of sorts, when his vintage vocals became a minor sensation in downloads with surprising sales and response from a network of new fans discovering his ‘80s music. Better late than never.

Ironically, he kept a stash of long-playing vinyl records for years, but discarded a bundle of ‘em when clearing out storage space in Hawaii, a miscue since the discs are  now out of print.

I’ve not traveled with him, but Kevin has frequently met me and my wife  in New York, to do a few touristy things, and we’ve gone to Broadway shows together. In  the summer of 2019, when we took in “Hamilton” together we got to explore the onstage set after the performance. (Those visits were halted because of the pandemic).

We’re hoping to find a mutually workable date this year, to meet up in New York again. And here’s a morsel most folks won’t know about Kevin. He probably doesn’t remember, too,  but he was briefly a journalist in Hawaii and turned the tables on me by conducting and then writing up an interview with me for a local publication.

It was a lovely piece, which I probably still have in box of memories at home.

So Kevin, enjoy your retirement. I know you will likely be the busiest retiree in. your circle, but will make time for activities you want to do, not have to do on your own timetable.

I share these recollections to congratulate Kevin on finally bidding aloha to the work force.

I know our paths would not have criss-crossed if he wasn’t a singer, but fortunately, his job at one time connected with mine as a journalist, and it’s been a blissful intersection and intervention since. …

About Spam and chow fun…

If you savor Spam, it’s old news that McDonald’s in the islands serves Spam as an accompaniment to eggs, in one of its breakfast meals. The other option, you must know, is Portuguese sausage.

These “side” options, however, are not available  at McDonald’s on the Mainland.

Saimin also had been another only-in-Hawaii item at your local McRestaurant, but it was discontinued some time ago…

And lucky you live Hawaii, too, if you like chow fun with your Chinese take-out at Panda Express.

Panda here offers four starch choices (and you pick two):  white rice, fried rice, chow mein or chow fun in plate-lunch portions or in bulk via its Family Feast option. But most Mainland Panda eateries don’t have the chow fun…

Scratch this on your list

Scratch Kitchen in Hawaii Kai – located on the former site of Outback Steakhouse on Kalanianaole Hwy., at the Hawaii Kai Towne Center  – is opening at 9 a.m. Friday (April 14).

No specific details yet, but the restaurant plans to serve brunch (presume breakfast and lunch fare) as well as dinner.

Wish it would open earlier, like 7 a.m., on a trial run, for early birds who want to get breakfast before hitting the road, or retirees who get up early who would likely prefer an earlier time to have chit-chats with breakfast fare. You know, with eggs, bacon, and coffee, in a modified menu and timetable that would fill the void caused by the April closure of Zippy’s dining room at Koko Marina Shopping Center. Take-out counter service continues, but heck, dine-in matters, too.

Also newish at Hawaii Kai Shopping Center, is Tex808 BBQ & Brews, open for lunch and dinner on the waterfront. Ribs and brisket are the prime offerings and happily, there was a good-sized crowd when I visited Saturday night. There was live entertainment, but too loud with amplification. …

Pagoda koi population to downsize

Over at the Pagoda Hotel, you know that Sorabol has taken over the dining rooms, upstairs and downstairs, and in the pagoda clusters amid the ponds which have been home for the resident koi for decades. Korean food prevails in the dining halls.

But the koi population, as well as the scope of the ponds, apparently will be downsized.

The talk is that the koi and the watery element will be focused only in the front area of Sorabol, which means a key attraction on the site will be minimal. You could buy koi food and toss ’em as they swim to get their meals.

If there’s not much water surrounding the dining pods, there will be fewer koi, so the tradition will end, timetable not known.

Pagoda hotel guests still have access to breakfasts served at  the Pagoda ballroom, where shows or special buffet meals prevailed before, but these American meals are not open to the public.  …

And that’s Show Biz. …