I want to thank the Hawaii Association of School Librarians (HASL) for honoring me earlier today (April 24) as the organization’s Outstanding Library Service Award winner this year.

As a spouse of a former librarian and retired professor, I simply have been a helping hand at DOE workshops and American Association of School Librarians and American Library Association conventions over the decades. That’s what a spouses does: kokua when needed.

So arigato to Sandy Yamamoto, Carolyn Kirio and M.B. Ogawa for nominating me, and mahalo to librarians past and present for decades of support and aloha. And a shout-out to HASL co-presidents Danielle Fujii and Maricar Kawasaki for their successful virtual conference via Zoom this morning.

Danielle Fujii, Wayne Harada and Maricar Kawasaki.