‘Twas the night before Christmas
And Santa wondered in his sleigh;
“What am I delivering
“For the folks of Hawaii Nei?”
Since the yuletide is on Sunday
His worries were tough;
Delivering his presents
On the Eve? Whoa, rough!
The coronavirus had challenged
His legion of elves.
Despite face masks and boosters
They could barely fill his gift shelves.

For Governor Josh Green
Aloha wear aplenty
No more green scrubs
As work gear, evidently.
For LG Sylvia Luke
A roster of must-do chores
To validate her election
With projects she adores.

For Mayor Blangiardi
A special wishing well.
To get the rail rolling
Come high water or hell.
Another December vacation
For Barack and Michelle;
And a holiday title for Bette Midler:
The Jingle Belle.

For Bruno Mars another stint
As a Super Bowl half-time trouper
Pure talent; no frills,
Just Hooligans. Super duper.
And please, for Marcus Mariota,
Just let him be;
Still a QB work-in-progress
He’ll eventually get there. Whee!
And no more injuries
For the Dolphin’s QB Tua;
Plus a Super Bowl bid
Some day, for shuwah!

For Jason Momoa,
Less projects, more time.
To focus on authenticity
For his movies sublime.
For the “NCIS: Hawai‘I” crew
A Hawaiian language dictionary
To bolster pronunciation
Hey, the show’s not Pictionary.

For“Magnum’s” Jay Hernandez
A welcome-back nod
For NBC, peacock feathers,
For a miracle…like God.
For the visiting “Hamilton” cast
Bravos, standing ovations!
Being in the room where it happens
Is cause for celebrations.

For comic Frank DeLima;
More home-grown parodies
For prolific Henry Kapono
More feel-good isle melodies.

For Robert Cazimero, what else?
A hefty 12-string pikake lei;
For Shari Lynn, a rescheduled
Jazz concert, soon, okay?
Another home-brewed concert

For Royal Hawaiian Band maestro Clarke Bright
May the ork returns to Carnegie Hall
‘Twould be aloha — book a flight!
And wouldn’t it be sweet
If there’s more collaboration
Between Kyle Kakuno and Roslyn Catracchia
For more yuletide exploration?

For Loretta Ables Sayre,
Deliver a Broadway show;
It’s time for her to rev up
Her singing, comedic glow.
For Judy Murata
A jug of good cheer.
For Danny Kaleikini
Perennial aloha that’s dear.

For author Frances Kakugawa
A fifth “Wordsworth” book.
For Alan Wong and Alan Takasaki
New kitchens where they’d cook.
For Vanita Rae Smith
More directing chores;
For the Bright Kid brand
A show to reopen the doors?

For Kevin Iwamoto
No more plumbing leaks;
Dripping water, mold,
A mess no one seeks.
For the venerable Roy Sakuma
More time teaching kids;
The Ukulele Festival is pau
Anyone with new bids?

For retired Cha Thompson
Something simple, besides wealth;
More mo‘opuna time, less stress
A recipe for good health.
For Afatia and Misty
The Tihati Productions team

A new Polynesian show…
Would be a keen dream.

For Jerry Santos, Bryan Tolentino
More gigs small and big;
For Makana, Taimane
Rolando, too. Dig?

For Kuana, Keali‘i,
Two peas in a pod.
As singing kumu hula
They deserve halau nod.
Applause for Manoa Valley
For its vibrant website;
A nudge to Diamond Head
To catch up, shed light?
For Kimie Miner, a trophy
For her “Christmas in Hawaii” tune;

It’s surely a notable hottie
With lyrics that’ll make you swoon.
For my Mainland buds
Ellen, Christine and Willy?
Warm hoodies, of course,
It’s winter time, silly!

To animal advocate Audy
An arf and a meow.
Maybe a song to show
The rest of us how?
Carole? Melveen?
Nohe? Amy? Marlene?
Maybe it’s time to update
The Local Divas? Keen?

Or perhaps a Dudes version
With Keola? Kapono?
Kapena? Kalani?
Would this be ho‘oponopono?
And why not assemble
An all-star band?
With Michael P., Jake S.
John K., Benny C. Grand!

An Obie for Lee Cataluna
A Tony for Greg Zane;
A Pulitzer for Paul Theroux
Awards wish list..sane?

For sea-worthy Jack Cione
A lifetime cruise pass.
With shipboard musicians
Ho‘okena, Makaha Sons. Class!
For Al Waterson and Nancy Bernal .
And Eddie Onouye and Carole Kai
Eternal happiiness and togetherness
And toss in a mai tai.
For Jay Larrin, joy
With snows on Mauna Kea;
For Nippon deejay Kamasami Kong
More fans here and deah.
For you, dearest readers
You Mr. and Ms.
Season’s tidings, aloha,
And that’s Christmas Show Biz. …
Brilliant !! Mahalo for the great Christmas Words bu Wayne !!!!!
Mahalo for noticing…Mele Kalikimaka to you!
Yep, it’s a wrap! Or not…
That was a great wrap up! I don’t think you missed anyone.
Happy Holidays and Mahalo for all your great postings!!!
Thanks for your comment — wishing you the best, too!